Minecraft PE Version 0.12.1 Build 2 [MCPE]


* Added a Tame button for ocelots
* Made the flight controls a little bit smaller
* Breaking crops now always drops seeds

Bug fixes
* Hopefully, it'll start on Android < 4.2
* Fixed crash on opening controller screen
* Fixed a crash happening after waiting a long time in snowy biomes
* Fixed many multiplayer bugs (if not blame Shoghi)

* Sprinting doesn�t stop if strafing left or right
* Can now pull squids with fishing rods
* Weather now resumes correctly after suspending the app
* The portal effect now plays when stepping inside a portal
* Snowballs don�t change color anymore at random
* Magma cubes correctly jump in multiplayer
* Fixed being able to move the character while a menu screen is open
* Fixed not being able to exit the Option screen with Back when switching to touch inputs
* Grass picked up with Silk Touch is now correct
* Can now place items in the second anvil slot
* The Snow Golem doesn�t have a derp face anymore sorry :(
* Swap Jump and Sneak option is now saved?

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Tag : Game, MCPE

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