Here's the changelog for build 4, no music yet.
* Quartz pillars can now be placed directionally.
* Trying to connect to old versions of the game will now show an outdated screen.
* Added recipes for golden apple and enchanted golden apple.
* Stone cutter and crafting table screens will close if blocks are destroyed while having it open.
* Improved controls
* Improved controls
Bug Fixes
* Farmland is not destroyed when jumping on it in multiplayer
* Pressing the inventory button did not get you back from multiple inventory screens.
* Crafting recipes were wrong in multiplayer.
* Partial blocks did not work properly in multiplayer.
* Game crashed when entering the nether repeatedly.
* When a controller is disconnected the player continues the last action, and other stuff.
* Players cannot drink potions in creative mode.
* Bane of arthropods does not deal additional damage to spiders.
* Furnace displayed blocks that were not in your inventory.
* Sky color is really dark.
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